
2023-10-31 11:47:59 来源:美术网 作者:美术网友投稿 阅读量:6495



中新网广州4月17日电 (记者程景伟)据广东省文化和旅游厅17日消息,去年以来,广东省古迹保护协会面向全省征集古建筑、古遗址、近现代重要史迹及代表性建筑等不可移动文物的保护修缮工程项目,共收到全省19个申报项目,最终评选出4个典型案例。







Beijing, Guangzhou, April 17 (reporter Cheng Jingwei) - according to the Guangdong Provincial Department of culture and tourism on the 17th, since last year, the Guangdong Provincial Association for the protection of historic sites has solicited protection and repair projects for immovable cultural relics such as ancient buildings, ancient sites, important modern historical sites and representative buildings from the whole province. A total of 19 application projects have been received from the whole province, and finally four typical cases have been selected. The four cases are: the repair project of the octagonal building in xiankeng village, the repair project of the former site of Shantou traffic central station, the secret traffic line from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to the Central Soviet Area, the repair project of Dacheng Hall of Confucianism palace in Haiyang County, and the protection project of the relics of Nanyue state palace and meandering stone canal, the palace of the Southern Han Dynasty and the well. It is reported that the selected typical cases have achieved good engineering results by adhering to the principles of "not changing the original state of cultural relics" and "minimum intervention", or using traditional materials and processes, or making rational use of new materials and technologies, and have demonstration value in maintaining the safety of cultural relics and continuing the value of cultural relics. Combined with the characteristics of earth sites and the humid environment in the south, the project carried out a small-scale experimental exploration on the typical diseases of soil, brick, tile, pottery, stone, wood and other materials of the site, while adopting mature materials and processes for the rescue protection of the seriously damaged cultural relics in combination with the characteristics of earth sites and water wells in the south. The research-based protection mode is adopted in the implementation of the project, which has demonstration and reference significance for the protection of similar sites in southern China. The renovation project of the former site of Shantou traffic central station, a secret traffic line from the CPC Central Committee to the Central Soviet Area, involves the construction of red revolutionary cultural relics. It is a traffic station directly under the Central Transportation Bureau established in Shantou at that time, and once undertook the important task of personnel, materials and information exchanges. Due to years of disrepair and serious building damage, the project fully considered the needs of later activation and utilization at the beginning of design. Through the optimization of the stress system of the original structure, it not only met the needs of not changing the original state of cultural relics, but also ensured the safety of later use. The octagonal building of xiankeng village, located in Dongyuan County, Heyuan, was built in the Qing Dynasty. It is a large-scale and representative Hakka enclosure. The renovation works of the project follow the principle of authenticity and adopt traditional materials and processes to preserve the historical and artistic value of cultural relics and buildings. The project is the first "cultural relics poverty alleviation" project carried out in Guangdong Province. In the poverty alleviation work of "thousands of enterprises helping thousands of villages", social forces and private funds participate in the practice of cultural relics protection in rural revitalization, so as to promote the integration of culture and tourism and the development of local economy. Dacheng Hall of Confucianism palace in Haiyang County, located in the urban area of Chaozhou City, was built in the Ming Dynasty. It takes the wooden beam frame as the main load-bearing structure and uses the methods of "connecting columns" and bucket arches with obvious local characteristics. The wooden components are often damaged due to termite erosion and other factors. The repair project adheres to the principle of minimum intervention. The wooden beam frame is repaired without falling off the frame, and the damaged components are reinforced or replaced by "stealing beams and replacing columns". In order to protect the integrity and high artistic value of the roof ridge, the means of not falling the ridge shall be adopted when the roof tiles are uncovered.

更多排行: 头条保护 工程 文物 修缮 项目


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